Nature for the active tourist
Canoeing on the Lahn

The first launching place for anyone wanting to explore the river by boat is south of Marburg at Roth which is part of Weimar. Starting from here, a 160 km stretch of the Lahn and its valley is waiting to be discovered.
Travelling on the river, the wide flood plain and meadows, the steep crags of the Westerwald and Taunus hills, castle ruines, palaces and villages can all be admired from a very special perspective. There is also no shortage of variety – locks have to be operated, flumes navigated and in Weilburg the canoist can paddle through Germany’s only inland waterway tunnel.
Wasserwandern im Lahntal (This link will bring you to a German-language website)
Scenes to admire and enjoy along the Lahn hiking trail

The Lahn meanders for 242 kilometres from its source in the Rothaargebirge to its confluence with the Rhine at Lahnstein. The Lahn Trail extends the journey from source to confluence, covering 295 km over hills and through valleys, forests and meadows, towns and villages until it meets the Rhine. Some people prefer the dream-like enchanted landscape around the river’s source and in the upper Lahn valley, others the wide-open spaces of the meadows in the central section. The ruggedly picturesque lower Lahn valley where the river snakes its way between towering crags also has its fans.
Whatever your preferences, imposing views present themselves time and time again. Discover your favourite natural landscapes and cultural landmarks. The length of each of the 19 sections has been chosen to allow the walker plenty of time to enjoy and explore the towns and villages, castles and palaces along the way.
The trail is clearly marked so no guide is needed; it is also suitable for solo walkers without local knowledge. There are also trails for the less experienced walkers which can be completed in 3 to 5 hours as well as intermediate sections needing 7 to 8 hours for their completion.
And for those who have lost track of time in the enjoyment of these landscapes there is usually a railway station not so far away with a train to take you to your destination.
Activities in the Lahn-Dill-Bergland Natural Park

The Lahn-Dill-Bergland Natural Park is one of the most attractive regions in Germany. It includes the river valleys and the hills surrounding the Lahn and the Dill. The changing valleys and the gentle hills with their unique natural wonders provide rich opportunities for enjoying nature and outdoor activities. A wide range of sights and activities for tourists ensure variety. Whether for a short break or a longer stay, barely an hour from the Rhine-Main region, the natural park has something for every taste.
Naturpark Lahn-Dill-Bergland (This link will bring you to a German-language website)
Subterranean treasures of the Lahn-Dill Basin in the region Lahn-Dill

Die Region an Lahn und Dill war bis weit ins 20. Jahrhundert geprägt durch den Eisenerzbergbau und die weiterverarbeitenden Industrien. Mit der Beendigung der Eisenerz-Förderung in der Grube Fortuna endete 1983 diese bis in die Keltenzeit zurückreichende Tradition. Heute können Gäste dieses letzte klassische Eisenerzbergwerk Deutschlands in seinem Originalzustand besichtigen – ein überragendes Denkmal der Industriekultur in Mittelhessen.
Die Bergmannsroute, ein Qualitätsweg Wanderbares Deutschland, verbindet das Besucherbergwerk Grube Fortuna erlebnisreich mit Wetzlar und Schloss Braunfels, beides Etappenorte auf dem Lahnwanderweg. Unterwegs gibt es Spannendes zum über 2.500 Jahre alten Bergbau in diesem Teil des Lahntals zu sehen.
Glocken erleben in historischer Atmosphäre

Burg Greifenstein, das Denkmal von nationaler Bedeutung, ist mit ihrer einmaligen Silhouette und ungewöhnlich weitgreifenden Ausdehnung das weithin sichtbare Wahrzeichen der Region. Die Burg bietet nicht nur eine spektakuläre Aussicht von den Doppeltürmen, sondern auch eine prunkvolle Barockkirche und geheimnisvolle Kasematten. Vor allem aber ist die Glockenwelt Burg Greifenstein mit über 100 Glocken die in ihrer Art bedeutendste Glockensammlung Deutschlands. Hier warten ein spannender Rundgang durch ein Jahrtausend Glockengeschichte, berühmte Glocken aus aller Welt und die unterschiedlichsten Glockenfunktionen darauf, von kleinen und großen Besuchern neu entdeckt zu werden.
Explore the “Autumn Labyrinth” (Herbstlabyrinth), a cave open to the public in Breitscheid

124 steps will take you down into another world. Space and time seem to have lost all meaning. But your imagination will certainly be stimulated. Beneath the earth there is a magical realm waiting in the darkness and ready to be illuminated. When the lights are turned on, it glitters and shines; stalagmites and stalactites turn into shapes such as dreams are made of and make us aware of mysterious things beyond our normal experience. Not a journey to the centre of the earth, but on the other hand an excursion into the most extensive and probably the most spectacular cave system in Hesse. Events such as concerts and special celebrations in the exceptional atmosphere of the Autumn Labyrinth cave provide an unusual and very special pleasure.
Schauhöhle Herbstlabyrinth (This link will bring you to a German-language website)